we believe your certification company should work for YOU.
There are many benefits to being certified and we make it Simple for you.
Being a BEST Certified Postpartum Doula is good for business and as BEST grows so does it's fantastic reputation.
Amanda and Maria are busy meeting national leaders to discuss such issues as maternal mental health, doula licensure and more. We keep you in the know.
BEST certified Postpartum Doulas can purchase all the materials BEST publishes or sells at reduced cost.
BEST will always have business tools available as free downloads and we add more goodies all the time. We never require that you use our logos on your materials, but those are also there if you want or need them.
Best Doulas are continually seeking professional development and complete 4 points of continuing education biannually.
Attend or lead a community group that serves your clientele.
Read two books focused on business, pregnancy, birth, postpartum, or breastfeeding.
Participate in at least two webinars, workshops, events, classes, or conferences.
Consider your resource list, does it need updating? If so update it.
Let us know some of the professional goals you have for the next two years.....and hit submit!
Want to save money when you re-certify? Do you have friends? If you refer them to a BEST training you will receive a discount on re-certification. Do you blog? We'd love to have you write a post for our website and we will give you discounted recert as a thank you.