BEST Doula Reading List and PreCertification
Doula Reading List and Precertification Work
It is important to BEST that our reading list is accessible and affordable.
You may purchase you books from anywhere - new or used, or you can borrow them from your local library or even a local Bestie! Most of our books are available as audio books as well, so you can listen to your books if you prefer. We do not require that you bring your books with you to training and there are no book reports.
Baby Catcher, Peggy Vincent
Nurture, Erica Chidi Cohen
Fat Birth by Michelle Mayefske
When Survivors Give Birth*, Simkin and Klaus
Worth Every Penny, Erin Verbeck and Sarah Petty
What ELSE is included in your precert work when you register?
BEST has all inclusive pricing so you receive everything you need for training in one price except for the books. No need to try to find your own childbirth or breastfeeding class. When you register you will receive:
6 podcasts - the full Preparing for Birth childbirth course
Prepared Feeding infant feeding class
Curated collection of online learning resources to view and explore
meditations for pregnancy and birth to enjoy
birth videos to watch as you listen to the podcasts
Think Log - These are questions that help organize your thoughts as you work though precertification. We don’t require book reports or write ups, but we do want you to think about what you are learning and how it will apply to your awesome birth biz.
How much will my books cost?
We’ve crunched the numbers and if you purchase the books brand new you can expect to pay around $60 in total for all of the books. If you purchase them used or as audio books it may be significantly less and if you borrow them…they are free.
You will want to stash these in your doula bag or have easy access to help answer questions from future clients. these are reference books we ask that you have as part of your certification.
The Labor Progress Handbook, Simkin and Ancheta
Optimal Care in Childbirth, Henci Goer
Breastfeeding Made Simple, Kathleen Kendall-Tackett and Nancy Mohrbacher
over achiever? okay you! here are a few more of our favs
Birth Ambassadors, Christine H. Morton and Elayne Clift
Community Support for New-Families, Jane I. Honikman
Cut It Out, Theresa Morris
Mothering the New Mother, Sally Placksin
*If you are unable to source this book we have provided resources in the following sections that will take it's place. If you are having difficulty accessing this book please see the alternative assignment.
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If these books are not at your local library and/or are not attainable for you, please contact us and Best Doula Training will help you get the book. Many books are available on used book sites and as audio books.