We will be the first to admit, when we launched online training we were nervous about how it would go. The community at BEST is important to us and we wanted to be sure everyone felt valued, heard and supported throughout training. Every BESTie is an essential member of our community. We are happy to say that those who have attended training online not only build community during training, and are 100% prepared to launch into birth work… they also have the entire BEST community cheering them on and supporting them.
What do I need to attend online training?
You probably already have all you need. You’ll need a great wifi connection, a comfortable space, a device for viewing training, and an open heart and mind ready to jump in and have a great weekend! Some people like to have a head set or earphones, but that’s definitely up to you. We also recommend lots of snacks and hydration!
Many people have completed training using a small handheld device like a phone or ipad. This is do-able, but it is a bit easier to take part in chat and see everything if you have a computer.
Will I feel left out or excluded since I am not in person?
Not at all. Really. You will get to know your BESTies far more than you can imagine. You’ll have breakout activities every day and we promise it will feel comfortable and easy. Maria and Amanda team teach, so anytime one of your trainers is leading training the other is online with you to answer questions and hang out in chat. You also always have the speakers ear, literally. We wear ear pieces so if you have a question or something to add, we can hear you.
What about learning hands-on support techniques?
We wish so much we could visit each of you to practice support techniques, but unfortunately, we haven’t received the invite. But really, we don’t think you are missing too much here. An integral part of being a doula is learning to listen to your clients and that will help you with hands-on support. Don’t believe us? We promise! We will walk you through support techniques and you’ll have access to a resource page where there are additional videos of these techniques. Even in person training participants only practice these techniques a few times. It is always our recommendation to tell your friends how to support you in your business - by letting you practice on them, of course. We have even had one lovely doula practice on her adorable pup. We are confident that this should not hold you back from jumping in a training if online is the best option for you.
Tell me more about this resource page.
It’s awesome! Each day you’ll have access to a page that includes all the days slideshows so you can follow along, as well as additional resources that we mentioned in training like links to articles, products and more information. Also included are videos and other fun activities. The BESTies who have trained before you have even left you a little gift in there to fill our doula heart and inspire you.
What about my family and breast/chest feeding littles?
We do really recommend that someone else care for your children and you treat this time just as you would if you were away. This allows you time to really focus and grow the most. That said, babies and children often make cameos during training and are welcome to breast/chest feeding during training as well. We might pause training just a moment to ooh and aahh over your little cutie. We also love to see your furbabies. Honestly, these cameos have been a really great little perk of online training and we kinda love it.
We have loved offering online training and making doula, childbirth educator and placenta training more accessible to everyone. But you certainly don’t have to take our word for it. Here’s what some of our BESTies have shared about their experiences.
Jamie | Online Doula and Placenta Training
Because of Covid, virtual training allowed me to attend. I really enjoyed virtual training! While I would have loved to do in person I didn’t feel there was anything the virtual training lacked that the in person one didn’t apart from being together physically.
Ariel | Online Doula Training
This worked for me because there wasn’t training in my area. I learn best when it’s hands-on or examples, such as the “births” we attended! I’m grateful for the virtual training.
Ariel’s advice: Please pay attention, work from a laptop or desktop, and use the chat room.
Sarah | Online Doula Training
Traveling wasn’t feasible for me due to time and expense.
I was very grateful to have the opportunity to participate in a training workshop that I would not otherwise have had access to.
Sarah’s advice: Make sure you have a strong internet connection and be prepared for technical hiccups.
Shanica | Online Doula and Childbirth Educator Training
My original training was cancelled due to coronavirus, I was pleasantly surprised to still be able to train.
I enjoyed virtual training. BEST did an excellent job coordinating and executing the training. By the end of training I was able to make strong connections with Besties I still speak to regularly.
Mycha | Online Childbirth Educator Training
I chose this training because of the great reviews & email support before registering. Maria and Amanda were fun, engaged with all of us, and really took the time to explain everything we needed to know thoroughly.
Mycha’s advice: Make sure you have good headphones!
Hailey | Online Doula Training
I thought virtual training was amazing! I didn’t feel like I missed a large part of the experience even though it had to be virtual. I still made a lot of connections with other doulas.
Hailey’s advice: Take small breaks when you can!
Christina | Online Doula Training
I Live in Oregon with a new baby. So it worked out perfectly.
Training was wonderful. I felt like I was there! Wasn't hard to navigate the zoom call. I enjoyed the side chat with all those who were virtual as well.
Amanda | Online Doula and Placenta Training
While COVID-19 travel restrictions and quarantine requirements certainly played a huge part in choosing virtual training, a main motivator for attending virtual training was to help with my anxiety, which often triggers my PTSD symptoms. I've also learned through the years that I learn best in a self-paced, self-learning format, where I don't have the additional pressures of keeping up with my peers.
I found the virtual training satisfied my expectations of allowing me to learn at my own pace, leaving plenty of time to pause to write notes, go back to review lessons, etc. I felt comfortable while learning virtually as I didn't have any anxiety about being in a large group or not being able to keep up with my peers. I felt well prepared when I completed virtual training.
Amanda’s advice: There is plenty of room to ask any questions you might have during the lessons; instructors are available and happy to help with questions!
Jacki | Online Doula Training
I felt stuck during Covid; I was wanting to further my Doula training but I didn't know where to begin. I chose the virtual training for a few reasons. It was a safer option, but it also gave me the flexibility to be with my young children instead of having to travel for a whole weekend.
While I was excited to be able to take a virtual training I was also very worried that I would miss out on the hands on aspects. I am SO thankful to say that I was very wrong. The way the training was set up I don't feel like I have any gaps in my knowledge. The supplemental videos and the training itself was very informative. I feel very prepared for the clients I already have. The other fear I had was that I would miss out on getting to know my peers. Instead, being virtual lent itself to me getting to know the other virtual doulas even better. There was a vulnerability and camaraderie in the chat that would not have been possible if we were face-to-face. I am SO grateful that this was an option, and even more thankful that I feel so prepared to move forward in my career.
Jacki’s advice: Make sure you give yourself the time and space needed to do this training. Find a quiet space where you can fully focus. You will get out of this training, what you put in it.
Kayla | Online Educator Training
This was the best option for me without having to travel.
I had a great experience! Everyone was very engaging and it didn't even feel like I was virtual.
Kayla’s advice: My advice would be to be attentive and listen just as you would if you were in person. You will be expected to participate and communicate regularly throughout the training.