“Your dream should be so big that you pee on yourself a little when you think about it.”
I know Eeewwwww right!? Haha!
When I first heard this statement admittedly I was a bit grossed out, not knowing it would be how I measured all my dreams from that day forward. So yes, I am an Entrepreneur, but a year ago when planning for my legacy - the mere thought of owning a business made me pee myself a little. Ha!
Now don't get me wrong, I'm no stranger to hard work. Growing up I was blessed to get my first job working for my grandfather at 14 years old, and from birth I watched the mind blowing work ethic of my aunt Ebony, my grandmother, and my own mother. The thought of the hard work of entrepreneurship isn't what produced my mental bladder leak ( I know, eww! )…so what was it??
I would love to insert here an amazing story that doesn't give way to my personal faults, but if I am being honest. It was my own fear! My fear of failure. See, I had learned the skills needed to work really hard for someone else, but I had no clue where to even start when thinking about owning a business. It was safe to say this dream had lived up to my measuring tool.
So I set the plan to achieve the dream. I found great mentors, started reading books, doing research, writing the plan, rewriting the plan and then Certified with BEST Doula Training. Today I am now the proud owner of Your Tribe Family Services, LLC.
A recent conversation that I had with my baby girl, soon to be college woman, made my journey to entrepreneurship come full circle. She shared how she loves telling people what I do as a doula and that I own a business. She continues to tell me about her business dreams and some of the plans she has for herself.
So the question is, What does it mean for you to be an entrepreneur?
My answer, not letting fear stand in the way of a bold legacy!
Brandie Bishop is a BEST Certified Doula and an inspiration! She serves as a doula in Atlanta, Georgia. You can find her on Instagram @yourtribe_familyservices and on Facebook @YourTribeFS